New York Alumni Association Social on 25 April @230PM (1 reply and 2 comments)
Is this a dead web site? Looking to find out if the cohort that identify as "saveCRS" are still interested in a dialogue to actually save CRS. 25 April would be a great opportunity. Please sign up for the NYAA and join us.
In your first posting, you refer interested parties to the NYAA web site. So anybody who has read your message will go there to accept the invitation. Why should they bother leaving some kind of response here? BTW, how many "Everyday Americans" are familiar with and use the term 'cohort'?
Given the fact that many of the SaveCRS group live outside the greater NY metropolitan area, you need to communicate via other media as well as social events. You can't expect people from all over the world to just drop by for a social. I wish I could join you but the air fare alone is prohibitive. Nevertheless, thanks for the invitation.
I get the "cohort" comment - drive on, it resonates with me. I would like to see this Alumni meeting on "how to make Camp better" actually succeed. Are you saying that if a large number of "saveCRS" personnel attend the 25 April meeting, there will be an "open the kimono" session where honest dialogue can occur? I'm not saying that honest dialogue has purposely not occurred or that all sides are playing politics. What I am saying is - how great would it be if we could meet and reason together as brothers and sisters of a common experience and have positive dialogue. You're the leader. It will happen if you make it so. Why not channel this new found energy into positive developments? Thanks for your considerationi,
Just want to put a plug in for a social on April 25. A good opportunity to dialogue. Just need to register through the NY alumni association web site.
Hope you can make it.